I’m always pleasantly amazed – and very grateful – when people share with me experiences they’ve had at events where I bring messages from spirit. I’m especially thankful when they pass on their thoughts to me, because I love getting feedback. (Plus, I rarely remember what I’ve said those nights.) Your comments help me become a better medium. Plus, your stories often tell me things that I’m not aware of when I’m standing and talking in front of people. For example, I never heard the knocks on the door at the back of the room when I was giving one woman in the audience a message that her father was trying to communicate with her.
Karen Fiorucci passed me the following stories. Karen began www.WiseWomenEvents.com, which sponsors holistic women’s gatherings, and is a yoga and meditation teacher. She also organizes my Spirit Inspired Messages events in Vaughan.
Interestingly, at my last Vaughan event, one of the first people I gave a message to was a very gentle, petite grey-haired lady, who sat surrounded by friends and family. As I spoke with her, she quietly took in what I said. At the end of the evening, I learned this was Karen’s mother. And now, thanks to an email from her, I’ll let Karen tell the rest of the story:
When my father came in for my Mother, his message was so appreciated and needed. It was also very poignant to me because before the event, I had asked my father to ensure he gets through and to give my Mother a message.
As I sat on the opposite side of the room from my Mother, I felt a wave of loving energy surround me, which to me was confirmation that he was there. He was telling me that he was trying to connect with us. Then he gave a couple impressions to Carolyn: The clincher was the description of his legs covered in a red blanket that looked like a Hudson’s Bay blanket (which was true), and a description of how he passed away.
Then he threw a banana bread at Carolyn, which firmly connected the dots in knowing that it was my father, because he knows there is a banana bread on my mom’s counter (which I forgot to bring to the event – in fact, I had planned on serving it to the event participants that day). That was the 10th banana bread Mom had made within the month. Then, Dad gave warm encouragement and love to my mother, and mentioned the necklace she was wearing, saying he liked it. The necklace had five crystal hearts, and symbolized the unity of my Mom and her children. She has not taken the necklace off since she received it in December.
I enjoyed hearing the dialogue and stories, but mostly I appreciate the effort that our dear loved ones make to connect with us.
I’m heartened Karen took the time to write me about the experience because, as I said, I rarely remember in depth the messages I’m giving, or the circumstances surrounding them. Spirit works through me, and I’m more like a radio than a tape recorder.
But while I don’t remember a lot of that evening, I do faintly recall seeing in the corner of my eye Karen bustling around the back of the room. I just figured that she was doing her organizing thing, making sure everyone was okay, taking care of business, opening the door for anyone who had to leave the room to use the washroom. But little did I know that – well, I’ll let Karen tell the story:
Several times during the latter part of the event, I had to get up out of my chair to answer knocks on the door to the room. Once, I even heard a banging. Four times I went to open the door to let someone in, only nobody was in the hall and there was no one at the door! I didn’t say anything about this to anyone until after most people had left the event.
One time that I heard knocking, I clearly remember Carolyn bringing through a spirit who wanted to connect with his daughter in the audience, and Carolyn said that on several occasions he had tried to get her attention at home by knocking on the walls. I didn’t put that together until I mentioned this to Carolyn afterwards.
Thanks, Karen, for your words. And thanks, too, to all the people who pass on their wonderful stories that tenderly prove that there is life after life, and love never dies.
If you have any questions or comments on this subject or on any spiritual matter, feel free to write me at mail @ carolynmolnar.com . And please visit me again!