I recently received this email from a distraught woman:
My son is into black magic and he’s blocking my dad from visiting me from the spirit world. He said he put a shell around my house so nothing can come in. I tried to surround my house with white light, but he keeps saying that it’s blue light you have to use, not white. I’m really worried about the bad vibes I’m picking up.My response: I am sorry to hear about these difficulties. Giving power to your son’s suggestions only strengthens the uneasiness you feel. No one can block a spirit person from visiting you. I suggest sending your son pink light (for love), call in your guides and angels (know they are there even if you cannot sense them), continue to surround yourself with white light for protection, and give no more thought (or energy) to this situation. Take back your power.
Sylvia (not her real name) had the best intentions for her friend when she wrote me:
My girlfriend lost her husband a month ago. She knows I believe in the afterlife, and she expressed interest in a reading. We’re close girlfriends, and I want to help her through this terrible time. But I’m not sure if she’s ready for a session. What should I do?
My response: The number one thing about receiving a reading is that the person should be ready for it. I suggest your friend contact me herself in about three months’ time. Disappointment and heartache can happen when someone is not ready for contact from the spirit world. If and when your friend wants to set something up, she and I can talk about what is best for her. I can appreciate your kindness and caring about your friend’s grief. She needs time to heal, and mediumship does not necessarily make the process easier. In the meantime, I wish the best for your friend.
I receive many letters about people worried about psychic scams. Here’s one, from a young man I’ll call Fred:
I recently visited a spiritual medium whom I met at a music festival. Upon sitting down in her booth, I told her my first name and she proceeded to tell me that I was going through a big life transition and I was worried it wouldn’t work out. I was blown away, because I’d just moved across the country and am indeed worried about whether or not this will work out. I was so intrigued, I called her a week later for a full reading.
She did a tarot reading that was, again, very accurate. She told me personal things that had happened to me as a child and things that were happening right now. She concluded that I needed some “spiritual cleansing” to remove pain from my past that was holding me back. A negative energy was attached to me. This psychic convinced me to pay her $160 for materials to use at home to cleanse my aura – a purple candle to light for an hour each day, bath crystals to soak in every other night, and a crystal to soak up bad energy.
Later, she told me this negative energy wanted to keep me from living a happy life and has destroyed all of my precious relationships. She said it will grow stronger unless it’s stopped. The procedure to rid myself of this negative energy, as described to her by her guardian angel and spirit guides, would cost $10,000. She said she used her savings to buy the necessary materials to get rid of this energy and I can pay her back a little at a time. My money is VERY tight right now and I cannot afford to pay anyone $10,000!! She says the giant candles cost $5,000 and that the other $5,000 is for the other work she must do to heal my psychic wounds. I’m so confused. She seems to know so much about my past, yet I’m starting to smell a rat. Any feedback or advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
FRED, I wrote back, DON’T DO IT! Keep your money. She may be an accurate psychic, but once she starts talking about “spiritual cleansing” – yikes! Please know there are no such things as curses unless you believe in them. It is the energy you put into the intention that makes things happen. This stinks of a scam – it starts off small and once the person knows you trust them, ends up costing big. Please see my blog “Another Psychic Scam”.
If you have any questions or comments on this subject or on any other spiritual matter, feel free to write me. And please visit me again!