I just finished reading a wonderful novel about parallel universes, past lives, philosophical ideas and profound spiritual insights: Aleph, by Paulo Coelho, one of my favourite authors. If you’ve never heard of this Brazilian writer, I suggest picking up The Alchemist, a slim, easy-to-read book that’s energized millions of hearts and minds worldwide.

Aleph, Coelho says, is the present moment, from which all things occur. This moment is very important; in fact, in each moment, we have the chance to redefine our life. Embedded in the bits of wisdom throughout the book, Aleph also contains a very moving and empowering meditative prayer about forgiveness and self-empowerment, and concludes with a personal plea that needs to be embraced by us all:

            * * * * *
I forgive the tears I was made to shed,
I forgive the pain and disappointments,
I forgive the betrayal and the lies,
I forgive the slanders and intrigues,
I forgive the hatred and the persecution,
I forgive the blows that hurt me,
I forgive the wrecked dreams,
I forgive the stillborn hopes,
I forgive the hostility and jealousy,
I forgive the indifference and ill will,
I forgive injustice carried out in the name of justice,
I forgive the anger and the cruelty,
I forgive the neglect and the contempt,
I forgive the world and all its evils.

I also forgive myself.
May the misfortunes of the past no longer weight heavy on my heart.
Instead of pain and resentment, I choose understanding and compassion.
Instead of rebellion, I choose the music of a violin.
Instead of grief, I choose forgetting.
Instead of vengeance, I choose victory.

I will be capable of loving, regardless of whether I am loved in return,
I will be capable of giving, even when I have nothing,
I will be capable of working happily, even in the midst of difficulties,
I will be capable of holding out my hand, even when utterly alone and abandoned,
I will be capable of drying my tears, even when I weep,
I will be capable of believing, even when no one believes in me.
            * * * * *

I love that last line, which bears repeating:
“I will be capable of believing, even when no one believes in me.”

If you have any questions or comments on this subject or on any other spiritual matter, feel free to write me at mail @ carolynmolnar.com. And please visit me again!



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